
400 thousand new parking spaces will be added in Shenzhen in the next 3 years

Located in the Luohu District, six-story parking systems, far from looking, like a "full of flowers cruise", spectacular. In accordance with the principle of differentiated supply and user pays, Shenzhen will build an open and efficient parking space supply system supplemented by the construction of parking spaces as the main body and public parking spaces outside the road.

Shenzhen seven departments jointly issued a document to promote the PPP model to solve the supply and demand imbalance problem
400 thousand new parking spaces will be added in Shenzhen in the next 3 years

More than 300 million cars, but only 1.9 million parking spaces, a huge parking gap has been plagued by the Shenzhen owners, the phenomenon is also common. To solve this problem of urban management, recently, the Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Construction, the Transport Commission and other seven departments jointly issued the "Shenzhen to strengthen the construction of parking facilities to implement the views" (hereinafter referred to as "opinions"). "Opinions" as a national urban parking lot construction of the first batch of pilot cities, Shenzhen will focus on the construction of parking information platform and public facilities concentrated area parking facilities on the pilot, from the land security, simplified approval, investment and financing model, Intelligent, standard system and other innovative models to ease the contradiction between supply and demand of parking, to promote the development of parking industry chain.

It is reported that as of 2020, the city is expected to add 400,000 (including the allocation of 35 million) more than parking spaces, parking industry scale reached 30 billion yuan to achieve the city's parking data networking and dynamic information release, the first to build the first city Level intelligent parking system, cultivate a number of domestic industry leader.

