
Binzhou's first intelligent parking lot

With the number of cars increased year by year, parking problems have gradually emerged, in order to solve this problem, Binzhou decided in the Yellow River Bohai five road nine road will be built Binzhou's first vertical circulation parking garage, is expected to be completed in August.

vertical cycle stereo garage

"We introduced the German" vertical cycle stereo garage "technology, taking 2 parking spaces, creating 12 vehicles space, to a certain extent, solved the problem of parking difficult." "Shandong Jing Sheng electronic installation engineering Co., Ltd. General Manager Ma Jingrun said. It is recognized that, in addition to the vertical cycle of three-dimensional garage technology, there is a bright spot, that is, "MZ parking" - intelligent control system, convenient for the public to operate. "Later through our APP, relying on mobile phone intelligent control vertical circulation parking garage, when you need to stop, open the APP in front of the garage to sweep to achieve a key car, when you are ready to leave when the parking distance at a distance, you can use a mobile phone in advance to take the car keys, without waiting. You can go directly to drive." It is understood that the APP is supposed to be online in mid-August.

