
Vertical lifting and sliding type parking equipment

Vertical lifting and sliding type parking equipment usually take many parking spaces as one layer, and the tallest one can be built 25 layers. It covers the river to the smallest area, has the highest land utilization rate, low vibration, and low noise. This type is suitable for high-rise office buildings, residential buildings, hospitals, complex commercial buildings and other land tight projects, the new independent three-dimensional garage and the old urban transformation.
Vertical lifting and sliding type parking equipment

With the lifting mechanism of vehicle or car lifting to the specified level, then the vehicle or car into the parking spaces with deposit traverse mechanism arranged on the lifting mechanism; or on the contrary, the traversing mechanism will vehicle or car carrying board into the lifting mechanism, the lifting mechanism is reduced to the vehicle entrance, open the door, the driver of the vehicle drove off.
standard vertical lifting type parking equipment

According to the platform, the type can be divided into standard vertical lifting type and vertical lifting sliding class two basic types. It can be assembled and flexibly designed according to site conditions.

