
75 thousand new parking berths are expected in Kunming

The construction of parking lot requires a large amount of money and support, in February 2017 to encourage and guide social forces to actively participate in the public parking lot at the same time, investment in construction and operation of the municipal government approved the establishment of the Kunming city construction and operation of smart parking Co. Ltd, as a municipal financing platform for Kunming city public parking lot of the construction and operation of investment management.

Through the operation of the company, we can broaden the channels of investment and financing, and further strengthen the provision of government public services.

In addition, the effective way to alleviate the "parking difficulty" in cities is to develop intensive public transport, the establishment of public parking spaces, by increasing the proportion of bus travel, reducing the use of vehicles, from the source to curb and reduce parking demand.

Therefore, Kunming in the governance of "parking difficult" in the process of actively promoting "bus priority", and promote Kunming "bus city" created. At the same time, we also hope that the people will set up the concept of "environmental protection transportation", change the mode of travel, and reduce the excessive reliance on individual motor transportation, so as to reduce the parking demand of urban central area.

