
Steel structure frame and car carrier of stereo garage

A complete three-dimensional garage which mainly consists of several parts, each part of the stereo garage are closely linked, if one trend occurred, then the other did not work, so to ensure complete run of stereo garage is the key to understand the part of stereo garage are necessary, to prevent the occurrence of a fault, find the crux of the problems.

Steel structural frame

Steel frame structure includes: (1) the main frame structure, used to bear the garage its parts weight and the weight of the vehicle (in the parking room by supporting the car carrying board frame), the outermost layer wrapped outside the decorative plate (useful for printing outdoor advertising signs or attached TV wall); (2) the internal structure of support for a deposit the car parking inside the room and support some mechanical and electrical components. The design and manufacture of steel frames shall comply with the provisions of gb/t 3811 codes for design of cranes. Zinc or zinc plating on some steel structures shall be available if necessary.

Steel frame structure

Car carrier

The car is carrying board frame placed in a steel structure on the handling and support for vehicles. The car carrying board should adopt non burning materials, the quality of light but should have sufficient strength and stiffness, and can prevent the liquid leakage. The car carrying structure can be divided according to the frame type and puzzle type.
silomat  car carrier

