
Deyang city plans to add more than 20 underground parking and parking system

In order to solve the "parking difficult" and other issues, from this year, Deyang plans to add more than 20 underground parking, parking system, and the use of existing vacant land, organs, units and other resources to increase public parking spaces.
At present, Deyang city is the use of the public parking lot about 5000, of which 80% are the temporary occupation of the city road resources, especially in the old city, due to the narrow roads, parking spaces, huge traffic, "parking difficulties" is more prominent, the traffic has also caused a certain impact.

In order to solve these problems, from this year, Deyang plans to build underground public parking lots and parking system in the city. According to the relevant person in charge, "we expect to build more than 20 public parking lots in the urban area.",
The use of existing urban land, departments and other resources to alleviate parking problems, make full use of the existing parking resources, and minimize the use of temporary road parking in the city road, now plans to 80% of the proportion dropped to 30%, the specific scheme of further planning."

With the construction of parking lot, parking management will be greatly improved, in addition to the implementation of intelligent parking guidance system, the means of payment and other aspects will be diversified, the electronic operation, then the public will enjoy more advanced parking service.

