
Ninghai intelligent stereoscopic garage

There are many tourist attractions in Ninghai, attracting numerous tourists from home and abroad. Parking difficulties grow up to be a prominent problem, and for this reason, Ningbo has built a number of the intelligent stereoscopic garage in Ninghai people's road to increase parking spaces.

In July 28th, the relevant departments organized more than 20 County People's congresses and community representatives, and came to the stereoscopic intelligent parking garage at the intersection of Zhongshan West Road and Dingxiang alley, and saw the operation of the stereoscopic parking garage.

1-minute parking, 2 minutes car storage

Ninghai intelligent stereoscopic garage

"Parking is convenient and saves space." Ms. Zhang, a representative of the public, said after reading the parking demonstration. Reporters on the scene saw a live demonstration of links, in the vehicle in the entrance position of the garage, the driver to be out of the garage, the vehicle will move to lift through the garage of the transport track, and finally to the front of the parking space, parking spaces on the move by the transmission belt.

That is, the daily parking process, When the driver stops the car and goes out of the garage, the parking is completed, do not worry about looking for parking spaces, parking in accordance with the signature line, the fastest within 1 minutes can be done.

According to the staff, the transportation vehicle equipment called PXD stacking equipment, through a combination of horizontal and vertical motion, by intelligent lifting and transferring system identification into the vehicle to the garage space, or out of the vehicle, vehicle access time is not more than 2 minutes.

Garage a total of 5 layers, 3 imports, and export, parking spaces have 132. According to reports, although the storage of vehicles, but vehicle access can run independently, not affected by other vehicles, whether it is to take the upper or lower vehicles, is not required to wait in line, with access. In addition, the parking garage is provided with a complete safety system, such as obstacle identification devices, emergency braking devices, and preventing sudden fall devices, etc, and is no less safe than the ordinary flat parking area.

