
Shenzhen will build more than 10 stereoscopic parking lots this year

With the increasing number of car ownership, "parking difficult" has been plagued by Shenzhen people. Shenzhen relevant departments in the Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress suggested that the answer, the city will introduce a series of measures to encourage the construction of three-dimensional parking lot (garage), through the "three-dimensional space at birth" to crack parking problems. According to the plan, this year will start on the construction of more than 10 stereoscopic parking lots (garages).

This year, more than 10 stereoscopic parking lots were built at Shenzhen test site

At the same time, the Commission has been the key to check the city about more than 100 old residential, hospital, hot Park, rail station and other units, select 45 point parking contradiction, with the recent transformation of the conditions to make recent construction plan, and select more than 10 stereo parking facilities construction projects as the first pilot in the years to promote the the implementation of.

The more than 10 pilot, including lotus North Village, Merlin village and other long-term difficulties plagued by parking the old district.

