
Aisle - stacking mechanical parking system

There are many types of the parking systems, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. We need according to their own needs and conditions, select the appropriate parking systems.
Here we talk about the Aisle - stacking mechanical parking system situation

1, lifting and traverse can be carried out at the same time, improve the speed of the vehicle out of storage.
2, the parking lot by the concrete or steel structure, to ensure the structural safety of underground space maintenance and management simple convenience.
3, free uses of underground space, can provide large-scale parking location, can be achieved from 100 to thousands of large-capacity parking.
4, high degrees of automation, by the computer for integrated management, can fully monitor the operation of the equipment, and easy to operate, both centralized management, but also by the customer's own operation.

5, high parking efficiency, can achieve more than one vehicle access.

Hefei Sanli Street Station took the lead in building parking lots during the year

Drove to the nearest subway station, after stopping, transfer to the subway to the destination, this way of travel, will not become a car family choice? At present, Hefei City Rail Transit P + R parking lot engineering design general contracting project completed the successful publicity, the winning unit for the Beijing Urban Construction Design Development Group Co., Ltd.
                      The tender includes a total of 5 P + R parking lots. Among them, the No. 3 line to build the public road station P + R complex, located on Huaihai Road and the intersection of the Great Road, southeast corner, with a total land area of 17,446 square meters, with a total construction area of About 87037 square meters, a total of seven parking floors, layer of the bus station, built to provide 616 parking spaces.

In addition, line 2 is proposed to be: Changning Avenue Station P + R parking building, with a total land area of 19,142 square meters, with a total construction area of About 17,596 square meters, 495 parking spaces can be provided after completion; Magnolia Avenue Station P + R underground parking building, with a total construction area of About 14,126 square meters, after the completion of the provision of 384 parking spaces; Jinzhai Road station a total of two garages, is underground parking systems, built to provide 90 parking spaces.

Relevant personage said the five parking lot will not start and plans to start this year is the East Line 2 P + R parking lot. The car park is located on the Yangtze River Road and East Ring Road intersection northwest corner, close to Sanli Street subway station. The total land area of the project is 3382 square meters, and the 7-storey automatic intelligent three-dimensional(parking systems) parking building will be built. 136 parking spaces are available.


Three-dimensional garage price

2-storey three-dimensional garage. You can choose to lift the type or simple lift type if it is easy to lift 2 layers 6 parking spaces, then the cost of about 70,000 or so.

If the type of training, then the price is about 80,000, But the use of more convenient, is a semi-automatic type, two simple lift is a non-avoidable type, in short, if you want to take the upper car, you must first remove the ground level of the vehicle, more suitable for Home.


Maglev drive technology parking systems, parking process takes only 30 seconds

Suzhou high tech Zone, the first use of "maglev" drive technology of parking systems. Garage covers an area of about 1000 square meters, about 20 meters high, is divided into eight layers. The entire garage has been completed equipment installation and commissioning work.

The driver just needs to drive the car to the garage entrance and get off the bus. The computer will automatically find the nearest parking space, and the vehicle through translation, ascension, and finally parked into the warehouse. The whole parking process is only 30 seconds fastest."Maglev" stereo garage project manager Luo Qiang: "our own verification of noise is only 35 decibels, other traditional parking noise will be more than 70 decibels."
 In some residential areas, downtown is also a great advantage. In addition, the direct drive technology, so special maintenance, our design life is more than more than 10 years."

It is understood that the "maglev" stereo garage can reach up to 25 layers, and all parking spaces only need a set of transmission systems and truly maximize the use of space.


Construction of parking system in Nanchang

This year, our city actively promotes the construction of public parking facilities, such as ground underground parking lots and parking system. At the same time, fully tap the existing resources, scientific integration, effective use of units, schools and other public parking facilities. Encourage a variety of investment entities and social capital to participate in the construction and management of public parking facilities, build public parking facilities service information intelligent platform.

City Management Committee staff said that this year the construction of three-dimensional parking lot larger efforts, East Lake Tianquan water intelligent garage has been built and put into use;

Xihu District Tuanjie road "26 layer garage type mechanical three-dimensional parking lot" framework has been completed, the parking garage adopts the most advanced vertical lifting mechanical parking system, a total of about 200 parking spaces;
view of Xihu District
16 stereo garage Qingyunpu District ", each set is 26 layers of Taku type mechanical three-dimensional parking lot" basic preliminary procedures run, will start in mid-October this year, the number of berths more than 800.

In addition to the construction of public parking in each city, the Municipal Education Bureau plans to build 10 parking lots and 2701 berths. City air defense office planning and construction of a parking lot 2, berth 1781.
view of Qingyunpu District

Nanchang built 75 new car parks this year

Nanchang added 22280 parking spaces

Recently, the reporter learned from the city management committee, in order to alleviate the urban parking difficult problem, the city will be urban parking lot construction into the "Huimin convenient people project", a group of the parking system has been used. On October 12th, the City Administration Committee informed the progress of the construction of the public car park.
Night view of Nanchang
The city plans to build 72 public parking lots this year, with a total parking number of 21415. After the adjustment of the planning point, the city built a total of 75 parking spaces, the total number of parking 22280 (865 berths increased than the original plan). Among them, the mechanical underground (parking system)parking lot 56. At present, the overall construction of public parking is well promoted. At the end of September, there are 61 parking lot constructions, operating rate of 81%, of which 25 parking lot is basically completed, the completion rate of 33%, 14 parking lot is doing preliminary work.
TADA parking system

Several advantages of Vertical lifting mechanical parking system

1. Access convenience, eliminating the worries of beginner drivers parking
Up and down parking spaces are 2.3 meters wide, no two-tier lift mechanical garage man-made "narrow door", the lower parking and natural parking spaces no difference, the upper parking for 90 ° after landing on the road of the activities of the car plate, vehicle access Are non-turning straightway, not reversing, so the type of garage on the parking spaces are particularly suitable for technology is not skilled novice to stop the car.
 Vertical lifting mechanical parking system
2. Good security and high reliability
A parking system, the failure rate of less than two layers of horizontal and horizontal parking garage 1/5, and simple structure, safety, high reliability, even if the failure, before the repair, the upper car can still be achieved through the manual Car, the whole garage does not appear to take the phenomenon of no less than the car.

3. Maintenance is simple, low maintenance costs
Single-chip control under the simple mechanical sports equipment, the general electrician can be maintained; each parking lot maintenance costs about 20 yuan/month.
 Vertical lifting mechanical parking system
4. Low input costs, return earnings fast

Due to the shortage of parking spaces, especially in some old district, hotels, hotels, units and other places, prone to chaos stop phenomenon. In large capital cities, the cost of building a parking lot is very high, which is the main reason investors have been afraid to enter the industry. Vertical lifting mechanical parking system just to solve the investors of this concern. Vertical lifting mechanical parking system with a small footprint, large inventory, low input costs, the characteristics of fast income.


400 thousand new parking spaces will be added in Shenzhen in the next 3 years

Located in the Luohu District, six-story parking systems, far from looking, like a "full of flowers cruise", spectacular. In accordance with the principle of differentiated supply and user pays, Shenzhen will build an open and efficient parking space supply system supplemented by the construction of parking spaces as the main body and public parking spaces outside the road.

Shenzhen seven departments jointly issued a document to promote the PPP model to solve the supply and demand imbalance problem
400 thousand new parking spaces will be added in Shenzhen in the next 3 years

More than 300 million cars, but only 1.9 million parking spaces, a huge parking gap has been plagued by the Shenzhen owners, the phenomenon is also common. To solve this problem of urban management, recently, the Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Construction, the Transport Commission and other seven departments jointly issued the "Shenzhen to strengthen the construction of parking facilities to implement the views" (hereinafter referred to as "opinions"). "Opinions" as a national urban parking lot construction of the first batch of pilot cities, Shenzhen will focus on the construction of parking information platform and public facilities concentrated area parking facilities on the pilot, from the land security, simplified approval, investment and financing model, Intelligent, standard system and other innovative models to ease the contradiction between supply and demand of parking, to promote the development of parking industry chain.

It is reported that as of 2020, the city is expected to add 400,000 (including the allocation of 35 million) more than parking spaces, parking industry scale reached 30 billion yuan to achieve the city's parking data networking and dynamic information release, the first to build the first city Level intelligent parking system, cultivate a number of domestic industry leader.


As of the end of September Quanzhou, public car park has been built a total of 2903 parking spaces

To ease the parking problem, in 2017 Quanzhou City to carry out urban and rural public car park construction package construction, plans to increase the city public parking spaces 3787, 1136 public parking spaces. As of the end of September, Quanzhou City, the public parking lot project package has completed an investment of 431 million yuan, accounting for the province on the task (447 million) ratio of 96.4%, the annual investment ratio of 93.7%, built a total of 2903 parking spaces.
Quanzhou City
It is understood that the central city of nine public car park construction projects, three projects have been completed. Among them, Tingzhou Park parking lot 32 new parking spaces, Shenzhou Park parking lot 78 new parking spaces, located in the cloud road opposite the Metro Metro Quanzhou Quanxing Power Supplies Co., Ltd. Xingxiang building parking systems construction parking spaces 128  has been put into use.
Tingzhou Park 
The central city in the construction of the public car park construction projects, Quanzhou City Internal Revenue Service parking systems have been completed pile foundation static work, the number of new parking spaces 86; mountain green road Fengze quality demonstration area supporting parking lot area 9 acres, plans to build 200 parking spaces for the mountain line Green Road Fortress boutique demonstration section, the city of Forest Park and Peach Hill Park visitors services, has completed the transformation of green and street lights; Quanzhou City Public Cultural Center parking lot supporting project Plans to build underground public parking and underground parking lot supporting business 54,500 square meters, will add 1917 motor vehicle parking spaces, non-motor vehicle parking spaces 7,500, is currently under construction in the basement. In addition, stalagmites, bamboo shoots park parking lot plans to build new parking spaces 230, is currently ready for construction; Donghai Hotel parking systems plans to build parking spaces 144, to be carried out under the basic construction.
Quanzhou public cultural center
7 township public parking lot construction project, Quangang District Chi Mei Plaza parking lot, Nanpu Town Xiao Chu Village Cultural Square parking lot, Nanpu town Fengxiang village field park parking lot has completed the project construction, a total of 240 parking spaces have been put into use. Anne County Tieguanyin Cultural and Ecological Park parking lot have been completed, will add 200 parking spaces. Shishi City Baoguo Mountain Scenic Area core area parking lot, Yongchun County mountain song town ecological parking lot, Yongchun County Dongping car park is under construction.
parking systems

Luoyuan County, the first three-dimensional parking lot

In order to alleviate the difficult problem of parking in the central city, 2016 Luoyuan County, the county government will build long-bridge three-dimensional parking lot included in the private practical projects, after more than nine months of constructions, has been put into use.

Reporters at the project site to see, as a variant of the same as the new mechanical three-dimensional parking lot presented in front. It is understood that the long-bridge three-dimensional parking lot to steel-based structure, the use of motor-driven steel wire or chain drive plate to do the horizontal movement, to achieve access to vehicles, compared to the traditional parking lot with high space utilization, easy access Beautiful and so on.

Luoyuan country

In recent years, with the rapid socio-economic development, the county motor vehicle ownership increased dramatically. Urban car ownership has reached 12,000. Due to the original area of The restrictions, the city has a difficult phenomenon of parking. In the "difficult situation" and "good project" under the common opportunity, 2016 Luoyuan County, the introduction of three-dimensional parking lot project, the county housing construction committee set up a special project team to promote the project construction.

County Housing and Urban Construction Bureau Municipal Branch Deputy Chief told reporters that the long-bridge three-dimensional parking garage project is the county party committee and government for the private matter of a project, planning the entire land area is 1270 square meters, the total construction area is 1275 square meters, the entire parking Down to build 95 berths, the total investment is more than 1900 million.

The current project has been completed and put into use, the recent free of charge to the public.


What are the functional characteristics of the intelligent parking system?

Intelligent parking lot management system features:

1, intelligent parking lot system practical, vehicle types of billing settings, VIP users, fixed users, monthly users, stored value users, temporary users and other payment methods to meet the needs of different levels; unique with central charging function (To solve the traffic volume of the parking lot)

2, parking system intelligent image comparison system, to achieve unmanned entrance, automatic photography, import and export models, license plate image contrast, effectively curb theft vehicle behavior;

3, intelligent parking systems are highly automated, automatic detection of temporary vehicles, hairpin, to ensure that each car to send a card. Computer voice prompt, help call, equipped with high brightness led Chinese and English, digital display, parking spaces automatic statistics, a full position prompt, temporary vehicle computer charging and display, hardware equipment fault self-inspection;

4, intelligent parking lot strict charge, audit management, use multi-level authority controller design, prevent artificial modification of charging data, put an end to any form of fees, mistakes, and cheating;

5, smart parking encryption technology field advanced ticket card, smart card writing characteristics and safety strategies to unique reading, so that it has strong ability of security and self-protection function, to adapt to a variety of indoor and outdoor environment, reliable and durable, and the loss of IC card system has the function of hanging solution.


What is the meaning of the wisdom of the parking system?

Social value

1, ease the congestion: the construction of intelligent parking system to facilitate the owners to stop, ease the traffic, ease the parking is difficult, chaotic parking, parking disputes and traffic congestion caused by parking problems.

2, the integration of resources: to achieve a comprehensive urban parking resources integration; full control of Juchao vehicle parking, to achieve fire management, improve parking turnover and management efficiency, put an end to the arrears and illegal traffic.

3, to provide basic: The parking information omnidirectional collection, the formation of large parking data for urban planning to provide basic data, but also for the traffic management and urban management departments to provide decision-making basis.

4, to promote development: through the construction of intelligent parking management system, you can build a set of parking information sharing platform to facilitate the unified management and scheduling departments can also continue to expand and improve the platform function to promote the development of the parking industry.

5, to reflect the function: to reduce inefficient traffic, to ensure smooth traffic, improve the traffic order, reduce emissions, save energy consumption, protect the environment. But also to enhance the image of the city, optimize the overall image of the city to enhance the level of urban information.
More information about intelligent parking system(http://www.tadachina.com/).

Do you know the parking systems?

The concept of parking systems first appeared in the second industrial revolution, since the car, the concept of parking systems has developed slowly.

As early as the mid-1950s, Japan began the study of the parking lot problem, in 1960 built a four parking spaces in the two-stage parking lot, the development of Japan has been put into the use of parking system more than 3 million One.

Other countries with three-dimensional parking equipment due to the government's attention, a variety of three-dimensional parking equipment has been the general development and utilization of the development faster than China.

South Korea in recent years, the growth rate of about 30%, while Germany and Italy and other European countries engaged in the development and production of parking equipment earlier, due to the relatively rich land resources in Europe, the parking problem is not very prominent, parking equipment is not very large.
The China's first set of three-dimensional parking system was built-in 1985, but the domestic three-dimensional parking equipment industry has been in its infancy.

In recent years in the relevant associations, the promotion of the industry and the media publicity, the public experienced from the understanding, to understand the gradual acceptance of the use of three-dimensional parking equipment changes.

Today, the parking problem has become increasingly prominent, greatly affected the smooth road, traffic order, city environment, the three-dimensional parking lot is an opportunity to alleviate the current Shenzhen increasingly severe parking problems.


New type of parking systems debut park 11 square meters can stop 3 cars

Parking is difficult now has become a common problem, is there no good solution? A few days ago, a mild-automatic parking system in the industrial park debut, just an area of 11 square meters, can be parked for 3 cars.

It is understood that this light automatic parking system has original patented technology, its biggest feature is the small footprint, can be used sporadic corner area, tailored, only 11 square meters of parking system, appearance and a three Large drawer similar to the occupying vehicles into and out, the user simply press the remote control, garage parking board will be able to automatically in place.

According to the engineers estimate that the current cost of this garage in the 10 million or so, especially for the parking spaces of residential units and institutions to develop the use of institutions, to a certain extent, can ease the city parking is difficult


Chongqing "spiral" parking lot

Chongqing, South Bank district of a "spiral" parking lot, from the road to the garage to the next 5 floors, the driver needs to turn countless 360 degrees circle.

Yangzhou Wenchang Pavilion also has more than 198 parking spaces, and can also pay parking fees for mobile phones

Parking difficulty has always been a common problem faced by large and medium-sized cities, and the ancient city of Yangzhou is no exception. Yesterday, the reporter visited found that Zanhua Lane parking lot Wenchang pavilion looks this vote, 198 new parking spaces. Plus the wisteria Park parking lot, parking lot, Lotus Pond song clip surrounding an underground parking lot, parking lot Ding Jia Wan and other new investment with the parking lot, the future people drove into the old parking is expected to ease.

Pay more "arbitrary", mobile payment

Relevant person in charge, the project uses "self-help payment + mobile payment + artificial fees" mode, the parking of 3 entrances and exits of intelligent management. Zanhua Lane parking lot built to alleviate the difficult situation of old city parking, convenient for the public and tourists travel.

"In the future, the public can pay a lot of attention to parking, which is convenient for more citizens and tourists. It is very human." The person in charge told reporters that the original plot here, formerly known as a small parking area of 1359m2, has become a parking space for 198 cars.


Nanxi Changchun water culture ecological garden

Changchun water purification plant was once the mark of water supply culture in Changchun, and it is also an industrial precious relic.As a part of the Yitong river ecological management, water purification plant now has been transformed into the southern cultural and ecological park, where not only witness the history of various cultural relics, to create a more similar to the "798" Beijing art park. Ancient and modern collisions of different sparks, people are full of expectations. Recently, the Changchun Evening News reporter learned that, at the end of 11 this year, the main ecological garden construction projects completed, eleven will complete next year.

Circular parking systems for the first time
At the scene, workers are speeding up the construction of the park, underground garage and parking systems, very busy. The stereoscopic circular parking lot will be a landmark of the ecological garden. The parking lot looks similar to the planet, with a total of 10 floors, providing 80 parking spaces. At present, the parking lot has been fully started construction and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
"Nanxi water culture ecological park" is an important node of Yitong River regulation project. Its base is on the main landscape axis of Yitong River and South Lake, which is very close to Nanxi wetland." According to the design of the ecological park landscape design institute responsible person, Jobon Dean, the construction of the ecological park landscape, including buildings, roads, repair and other cultural relics protection, will maximize the protection of ecological resources, respect for historical and cultural relics, to stimulate the vitality of the ecological city.

After the transformation, it will become a theme park for water culture in Northeast Asia. It will also be the most telling Park in Northeast China and become a habitat of animal and plant communities in the city.


Shiyan will build 3 new parking systems

To promote the establishment of civilized cities, in-depth and sustained development, and further consolidate the results of the creation, the morning of September 28th, the District People's Congress held a meeting of deputies to the Commission in shiyan.

At the meeting, deputies to the National People's Congress pointed out that the problems found in the civilized cities throughout the country were mainly two aspects: one is the traffic order, the establishment of parking systems, and two in the city environment, beautify the environment. In view of the existing 11 problems, the District, street, and related departments responded one by one. Relevant person in charge said that the corresponding problems will be set up a special leading group, the main responsibility to implement, increase inspections, improve the timeliness of reform.

In view of the focus of the delegates, Shiyan district parking difficult problem, the Street official said, in Shiyan district will build 3 new parking garages. These 3 parking systems are located in the south of the People's Hospital of the rich industrial area, the people's rich commercial district and Shiyan street, totaling 747 new parking spaces.


Safety responsibilities of managers of parking systems

Management of parking equipment for equipment daily operation, maintenance, maintenance, management should have the certain professional knowledge, as well as a variety of types of parking equipment has the ability to deal with complex situations, as follows:

1, management personnel should grasp the basic management requirements of mechanical and electrical equipment, have certain management and coordination ability.

2. Collect all keys to the garage, automatic door, an emergency exit door, control cabinet, button box and other equipment.

3, according to the specific circumstances of the unit, to determine the parking systems operators and maintenance personnel and sent to qualified training units for training.

4. Collecting and arranging technical data about parking equipment, technical specifications, specifications and standards concerning the design, creation, and installation of stereoscopic parking facilities.

5, mobile phones and storage of solid parking equipment, spare parts, accessories, and tools.

6, familiar with the collected parking equipment technical information to the relevant personnel to understand the parking equipment in the installation, commissioning and acceptance of the situation, participate in commissioning equipment, carefully check the parking equipment in good condition.

7, in accordance with the specific circumstances and conditions of the unit, the establishment of parking equipment management, use, maintenance and regular verification system.

8, make equipment safety, do procedures, operators code.

9, make the necessary preparations and conditions have to be paid or should be temporarily sealed, sealed over a long time, should be maintained according to the requirements, and re-commissioning, ensure equipment safety and integrity.

10. Supervise and implement the maintenance plan of stereoscopic parking equipment, and carry out regular inspection work on the implementation and the safety of the equipment.

Longgang first intelligent parking systems put into use next year

Longgang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital parking systems project on August 28, 2017, officially started construction, which is Longgang first intelligent parking systems.

The total investment of the project is 26.96 million yuan, covers an area of 1222 square meters, the building layer is 13 floors above the ground, the building height is 34.9m, will be put into use in 2018, after the completion of parking spaces can provide 576.

Longgang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital as the first government investment in the mechanical parking garage pilot, set off a smart automatic parking boom, can increase the area of Utilization, effectively ease the parking pressure.


Parking, the driver only need to park the vehicle in the designated first floor of the garage location, parking stalled, take the card to leave, after the completion of treatment, the card to take the car, parking robot automatically moved to the corresponding garage, which lasted about 100 seconds, effective To solve the difficult parking, poor technology, parking time and other issues, save valuable medical time.

The garage is divided into six sets of the independent fire partition parking system, from the south side of the building one-way into the library import parking, floor, north side of the export car, to facilitate access to vehicles and smooth, to improve the one-way traffic cross the car congestion phenomenon.

It is understood that the average time for parking robotic vehicles no more than 120 seconds, positioning accuracy error of less than 5mm, driving speed up to 1.5 m / s, the average load of 2.5 tons. Universal parking of the parking robot, to achieve 100 simultaneous scheduling, called the world's most accurate, fastest, most flexible car handling robot.