
Yangzhou Wenchang Pavilion also has more than 198 parking spaces, and can also pay parking fees for mobile phones

Parking difficulty has always been a common problem faced by large and medium-sized cities, and the ancient city of Yangzhou is no exception. Yesterday, the reporter visited found that Zanhua Lane parking lot Wenchang pavilion looks this vote, 198 new parking spaces. Plus the wisteria Park parking lot, parking lot, Lotus Pond song clip surrounding an underground parking lot, parking lot Ding Jia Wan and other new investment with the parking lot, the future people drove into the old parking is expected to ease.

Pay more "arbitrary", mobile payment

Relevant person in charge, the project uses "self-help payment + mobile payment + artificial fees" mode, the parking of 3 entrances and exits of intelligent management. Zanhua Lane parking lot built to alleviate the difficult situation of old city parking, convenient for the public and tourists travel.

"In the future, the public can pay a lot of attention to parking, which is convenient for more citizens and tourists. It is very human." The person in charge told reporters that the original plot here, formerly known as a small parking area of 1359m2, has become a parking space for 198 cars.

