
Classification of three-dimensional parking lot

1. Easy parking equipment
Also known as valet parking, refers to someone on behalf of the parking car to take a parking device, it is not much increase in the parking spaces is generally 2 times the ordinary parking lot parking spaces.

Pitch-type stereo parking equipment
And, if you want the car down, you must drive the following car. This parking equipment is mainly used for home and small parking lot or 4S shop and so on.
Rear cantilever stereo parking equipment
                                  2. Semi-automatic packing equipment
Also called self-parking. That can be self-parking. Just press the parking number you parked, or brush the parking card system will automatically respond, through the upper and lower, left and right to move the car owners to the ground can be out of the location. Because this parking system is mainly around and up and down to complete, usually called the left of the glass parking system. 3. Automatic parking equipment is a similar to the elevator parking equipment, as long as the owner of the vehicle to the parking device, it will automatically send the vacancy, take the car when you can only credit card.

Semi-automatic packing equipment

