
Where will the parking lot be built in Shenzhen?

The old residential buildings, hospitals, hot parks, scenic spots and railway stations with prominent parking contradictions.

The Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Commission said that by the end of 2016, Shenzhen city car ownership is about 2 million 850 thousand units,while there are only about 1 million 250 thousand parking spaces for the record by the police department, parking difficult contradictions, there are still about 1 million 600 thousand cars at night without standard parking spaces, especially in Luohu District as the old city of Shenzhen, all kinds of public facilities, the old residential parking contradiction is more prominent.

The cause of the situation:
First, due to the lack of forward-looking planning, the old district, hospitals and other facilities, with the increasing number of urban car ownership, the original planning parking space cannot meet the growing demand for parking;
Two, the social parking lot is seriously insufficient, and it has little effect on alleviating the contradiction between parking supply and demand;
Three, the development of public transport is relatively backward, indirectly induce the ownership and use of cars, and exacerbate the worsening parking contradiction.

In order to alleviate the parking problem, the Commission said, the second half of last year, Shenzhen has been the key to check about more than 100 old residential, hospital, hot Park, rail station and other units, select 45 point parking contradiction, with the recent transformation of the conditions to make recent construction plan, and has determined 15 parking facilities as the first batch of pilot projects, promote the implementation in 2017.

These pilot include City Maternal and child health care hospital, lotus North Village, Meilin village, and the Shenzhen Bay Park Sports Park, Haiyun Park and Lugang, Yuehai Plaza.

At the same time, in order to attract social capital to participate in the construction of mechanical parking facilities, Shenzhen Bay Coastal leisure belt has been considered as a social capital investment in the construction of mechanical parking systems facilities pilot projects.

