
Parking system, crack parking problems

With the continuous development of urbanization, the use of urban land resources is getting higher and higher, particularly valuable land prices, coupled with the increasing number of car ownership, parking problems have become difficult for many cities "a common problem." Some people as long as the parking lot, around the parking lot. , With battery cars, chairs, stone pier, and other items to seize the parking spaces. This uncivilized parking behavior gives us a great deal of inconvenience to life. So, how in a limited area, the greater use of limited resources, which require us to change the traditional ideas, and constantly explore. Since land resources are limited, why cannot we break the plane limit and seek upward development?
A crowded parking lot

The construction of (three-dimensional parking lot )parking system is imperative. As a city space "energy-saving" parking system(three-dimensional parking lot), by stopping the parking function, the use of the superimposed way to increase the parking spaces, so as to ease the parking pressure to solve the parking demand and land supply imbalance. This advanced way can maximize the use of urban land resources, the three-dimensional compound development of land to achieve the intensive use of urban land. Through the rational planning of urban space, fully tap the potential of the city and rich space resources, can increase the capacity of the city.
A crowded red street intersection

