
What are the necessary conditions for the establishment of parking systems?

1, stop the trolley car area should be used one-way traffic, the roadway must have sufficient width and ensure that the vehicle can be safely opened to the turning radius. In order to reduce the number of turns of the vehicle and keep the viewing distance in the range of 50 to 80 m, the roadway should try to maintain a straight line.

2, with the surrounding flammable, explosive objects, units and high-voltage facilities to strictly maintain the fire interval.

3, multi-story parking systems slopes should be arranged in the main building outside. When the conditions are not allowed to be arranged in the middle, two sides or both ends of the building, it is necessary to pay attention to the processing of the column net and the structure of the building for parking.

4, parking equipment should comply with a certain angle standard, the design should be combined with the plane of the parking area, the choice of the freest access to the car, occupying the smallest area of The parking area as a parking area for the parking area.

5, the independent parking systems layout can be divided into the parking area, warranty workshop, scheduling management area, auxiliary area.

6, underground garages are mainly used for parking. Other buildings are arranged on the ground. The floor area of The underground garage is determined by 70m2 / per standard car.

7, parking systems should be selected in the hydrogeological condition is good, the export around the spacious, the exhaust is not facing buildings, parks, squares and other polluted public places, to avoid avoiding groundwater and particularly complex geological structure.

8, multi-story parking garage locations and parking lot are basically the same. Only its geological conditions and basic engineering must meet the multi-story building design requirements.

