
New parking spaces 37082 Wenzhou alleviate "parking difficult" problem

In 2016, the growth rate of passenger cars in Wenzhou was as high as 68 thousand and 500 vehicles, reaching a new high over the years. The total number of vehicles in Wenzhou reached more than 65.5 vehicles, of which 558 thousand were private cars.
Although last year in Wenzhou city has the new vehicle parking more than 5.8 months, the Wenzhou motor vehicle parking area of a total of 327 thousand and 700 parking spaces, but meet the parking rate of only 48.9%, the contradiction between supply and demand is still sharp.

How to ease the parking difficulties? Wenzhou full force, in the parking construction and management policies and regulations and gradually improve the basis, through a new or potential and comprehensively promote the construction of parking facilities, on the other hand, by means of science and technology or resources to strengthen the scientific management of parking spaces, in addition to the old district and other traffic organization is not perfect, the organization to carry out residential parking modification.

From 1 to August this year, a total of 37082 new parking spaces were built-in Wenzhou, including 31884 dedicated parking lots and 5198 public parking spaces. 10 completed old residential districts were upgraded and 890 parking spaces were added.

