
Chongqing "spiral" parking lot

Chongqing, South Bank district of a "spiral" parking lot, from the road to the garage to the next 5 floors, the driver needs to turn countless 360 degrees circle.

Yangzhou Wenchang Pavilion also has more than 198 parking spaces, and can also pay parking fees for mobile phones

Parking difficulty has always been a common problem faced by large and medium-sized cities, and the ancient city of Yangzhou is no exception. Yesterday, the reporter visited found that Zanhua Lane parking lot Wenchang pavilion looks this vote, 198 new parking spaces. Plus the wisteria Park parking lot, parking lot, Lotus Pond song clip surrounding an underground parking lot, parking lot Ding Jia Wan and other new investment with the parking lot, the future people drove into the old parking is expected to ease.

Pay more "arbitrary", mobile payment

Relevant person in charge, the project uses "self-help payment + mobile payment + artificial fees" mode, the parking of 3 entrances and exits of intelligent management. Zanhua Lane parking lot built to alleviate the difficult situation of old city parking, convenient for the public and tourists travel.

"In the future, the public can pay a lot of attention to parking, which is convenient for more citizens and tourists. It is very human." The person in charge told reporters that the original plot here, formerly known as a small parking area of 1359m2, has become a parking space for 198 cars.


Nanxi Changchun water culture ecological garden

Changchun water purification plant was once the mark of water supply culture in Changchun, and it is also an industrial precious relic.As a part of the Yitong river ecological management, water purification plant now has been transformed into the southern cultural and ecological park, where not only witness the history of various cultural relics, to create a more similar to the "798" Beijing art park. Ancient and modern collisions of different sparks, people are full of expectations. Recently, the Changchun Evening News reporter learned that, at the end of 11 this year, the main ecological garden construction projects completed, eleven will complete next year.

Circular parking systems for the first time
At the scene, workers are speeding up the construction of the park, underground garage and parking systems, very busy. The stereoscopic circular parking lot will be a landmark of the ecological garden. The parking lot looks similar to the planet, with a total of 10 floors, providing 80 parking spaces. At present, the parking lot has been fully started construction and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
"Nanxi water culture ecological park" is an important node of Yitong River regulation project. Its base is on the main landscape axis of Yitong River and South Lake, which is very close to Nanxi wetland." According to the design of the ecological park landscape design institute responsible person, Jobon Dean, the construction of the ecological park landscape, including buildings, roads, repair and other cultural relics protection, will maximize the protection of ecological resources, respect for historical and cultural relics, to stimulate the vitality of the ecological city.

After the transformation, it will become a theme park for water culture in Northeast Asia. It will also be the most telling Park in Northeast China and become a habitat of animal and plant communities in the city.


Shiyan will build 3 new parking systems

To promote the establishment of civilized cities, in-depth and sustained development, and further consolidate the results of the creation, the morning of September 28th, the District People's Congress held a meeting of deputies to the Commission in shiyan.

At the meeting, deputies to the National People's Congress pointed out that the problems found in the civilized cities throughout the country were mainly two aspects: one is the traffic order, the establishment of parking systems, and two in the city environment, beautify the environment. In view of the existing 11 problems, the District, street, and related departments responded one by one. Relevant person in charge said that the corresponding problems will be set up a special leading group, the main responsibility to implement, increase inspections, improve the timeliness of reform.

In view of the focus of the delegates, Shiyan district parking difficult problem, the Street official said, in Shiyan district will build 3 new parking garages. These 3 parking systems are located in the south of the People's Hospital of the rich industrial area, the people's rich commercial district and Shiyan street, totaling 747 new parking spaces.


Safety responsibilities of managers of parking systems

Management of parking equipment for equipment daily operation, maintenance, maintenance, management should have the certain professional knowledge, as well as a variety of types of parking equipment has the ability to deal with complex situations, as follows:

1, management personnel should grasp the basic management requirements of mechanical and electrical equipment, have certain management and coordination ability.

2. Collect all keys to the garage, automatic door, an emergency exit door, control cabinet, button box and other equipment.

3, according to the specific circumstances of the unit, to determine the parking systems operators and maintenance personnel and sent to qualified training units for training.

4. Collecting and arranging technical data about parking equipment, technical specifications, specifications and standards concerning the design, creation, and installation of stereoscopic parking facilities.

5, mobile phones and storage of solid parking equipment, spare parts, accessories, and tools.

6, familiar with the collected parking equipment technical information to the relevant personnel to understand the parking equipment in the installation, commissioning and acceptance of the situation, participate in commissioning equipment, carefully check the parking equipment in good condition.

7, in accordance with the specific circumstances and conditions of the unit, the establishment of parking equipment management, use, maintenance and regular verification system.

8, make equipment safety, do procedures, operators code.

9, make the necessary preparations and conditions have to be paid or should be temporarily sealed, sealed over a long time, should be maintained according to the requirements, and re-commissioning, ensure equipment safety and integrity.

10. Supervise and implement the maintenance plan of stereoscopic parking equipment, and carry out regular inspection work on the implementation and the safety of the equipment.

Longgang first intelligent parking systems put into use next year

Longgang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital parking systems project on August 28, 2017, officially started construction, which is Longgang first intelligent parking systems.

The total investment of the project is 26.96 million yuan, covers an area of 1222 square meters, the building layer is 13 floors above the ground, the building height is 34.9m, will be put into use in 2018, after the completion of parking spaces can provide 576.

Longgang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital as the first government investment in the mechanical parking garage pilot, set off a smart automatic parking boom, can increase the area of Utilization, effectively ease the parking pressure.


Parking, the driver only need to park the vehicle in the designated first floor of the garage location, parking stalled, take the card to leave, after the completion of treatment, the card to take the car, parking robot automatically moved to the corresponding garage, which lasted about 100 seconds, effective To solve the difficult parking, poor technology, parking time and other issues, save valuable medical time.

The garage is divided into six sets of the independent fire partition parking system, from the south side of the building one-way into the library import parking, floor, north side of the export car, to facilitate access to vehicles and smooth, to improve the one-way traffic cross the car congestion phenomenon.

It is understood that the average time for parking robotic vehicles no more than 120 seconds, positioning accuracy error of less than 5mm, driving speed up to 1.5 m / s, the average load of 2.5 tons. Universal parking of the parking robot, to achieve 100 simultaneous scheduling, called the world's most accurate, fastest, most flexible car handling robot.


Where will the parking lot be built in Shenzhen?

The old residential buildings, hospitals, hot parks, scenic spots and railway stations with prominent parking contradictions.

The Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Commission said that by the end of 2016, Shenzhen city car ownership is about 2 million 850 thousand units,while there are only about 1 million 250 thousand parking spaces for the record by the police department, parking difficult contradictions, there are still about 1 million 600 thousand cars at night without standard parking spaces, especially in Luohu District as the old city of Shenzhen, all kinds of public facilities, the old residential parking contradiction is more prominent.

The cause of the situation:
First, due to the lack of forward-looking planning, the old district, hospitals and other facilities, with the increasing number of urban car ownership, the original planning parking space cannot meet the growing demand for parking;
Two, the social parking lot is seriously insufficient, and it has little effect on alleviating the contradiction between parking supply and demand;
Three, the development of public transport is relatively backward, indirectly induce the ownership and use of cars, and exacerbate the worsening parking contradiction.

In order to alleviate the parking problem, the Commission said, the second half of last year, Shenzhen has been the key to check about more than 100 old residential, hospital, hot Park, rail station and other units, select 45 point parking contradiction, with the recent transformation of the conditions to make recent construction plan, and has determined 15 parking facilities as the first batch of pilot projects, promote the implementation in 2017.

These pilot include City Maternal and child health care hospital, lotus North Village, Meilin village, and the Shenzhen Bay Park Sports Park, Haiyun Park and Lugang, Yuehai Plaza.

At the same time, in order to attract social capital to participate in the construction of mechanical parking facilities, Shenzhen Bay Coastal leisure belt has been considered as a social capital investment in the construction of mechanical parking systems facilities pilot projects.


Zibo may be building the parking systems to ease parking difficulties

According to reports, in 2017, Zibo Municipal Planning Bureau received 9 deputies to the Municipal People's Congress and 17 members of the municipal CPPCC Committee, a total of 26 pieces. Among them, with 5 pieces. Mainly related to traffic (5), urban construction (14), economic (2), health (1), social (4) 5 categories, 21 aspects of the content.

According to the delegates on the suggestions to solve the problems of city parking ", Zibo City Planning Bureau to carry out the city's public parking lot planning and construction work, to complete the" Zibo City Planning Bureau on the city's parking lot planning and construction of three-year action plan progress report "and were reported to the municipal government and the" three three-building office at present, have been included in the "three three construction" unified supervision office. In order to alleviate the parking pressure, Zibo has also formulated a series of preferential measures to encourage private capital investment, boosting the construction of parking systems projects.

Zibo city will further strengthen the construction of public transit hub, the bus to carry out intensive renovation project, continue to launch a number of new bus lines, the construction of multibus hub and bay bus station, and strive to 2020, the number of bus lines from the current 34 increased to 66, public transportation site 500 meters coverage will reach 100%. Moreover, the Zibo Municipal government is currently studying the construction of the main city public bicycle system, through green travel to protect the city's environmental protection, to solve traffic congestion and parking problems.

Zanhua Lane parking lot in the end of the month and put into use

Last night, while evening vehicles and pedestrians less time, Xiang Zanhua (Xianhe mosque) parking lot began laying around the road asphalt, to the scheduled 30 days this month to vote with the goal one step further.

At present, Zhanhua Xiang (Xianhe Temple) parking lot parking system debugging has been completed, with parking conditions. On September 18th and 19, parking lot respectively through the special equipment and fire inspection, at the end of the month began to lay the foundation. Special equipment inspection and Research Institute staff conducted a test equipment of high standards and strict requirements of each site one by one check vehicle garage, parking storage way, final equipment construction quality on the parking lot of the highly recognized, all pass the test equipment.

 On September 19th, after nearly half a month's efforts, the parking lot completed the fire inspection and acceptance and made a record of acceptance. It is reported that after the completion of the acceptance, parking lot at the end of September will be put into operation. At present, the parking lot is charging system debugging.

Zanhua Xiang (Xianhe Temple) parking lot is located at the South Gate Street East, South Lane Zanhua is based on the old parking lot on the expansion of the form.
The parking area adopts mechanical lifting parking mode with a floor area of 2930 square meters and 5 floors, with a construction area of nearly 1500 square meters. The building height is 10 meters, and more than 200 motor vehicles can be parked.
Parking lot with Ganquan Road, Wen Henan Road two imports and export, and Wisteria Park parking,  Ji Jia Wan parking lot, Lotus Pond underground parking lot, Wanjiafu parking lot together to solve the parking problem in Wenchang district.


What are the necessary conditions for the establishment of parking systems?

1, stop the trolley car area should be used one-way traffic, the roadway must have sufficient width and ensure that the vehicle can be safely opened to the turning radius. In order to reduce the number of turns of the vehicle and keep the viewing distance in the range of 50 to 80 m, the roadway should try to maintain a straight line.

2, with the surrounding flammable, explosive objects, units and high-voltage facilities to strictly maintain the fire interval.

3, multi-story parking systems slopes should be arranged in the main building outside. When the conditions are not allowed to be arranged in the middle, two sides or both ends of the building, it is necessary to pay attention to the processing of the column net and the structure of the building for parking.

4, parking equipment should comply with a certain angle standard, the design should be combined with the plane of the parking area, the choice of the freest access to the car, occupying the smallest area of The parking area as a parking area for the parking area.

5, the independent parking systems layout can be divided into the parking area, warranty workshop, scheduling management area, auxiliary area.

6, underground garages are mainly used for parking. Other buildings are arranged on the ground. The floor area of The underground garage is determined by 70m2 / per standard car.

7, parking systems should be selected in the hydrogeological condition is good, the export around the spacious, the exhaust is not facing buildings, parks, squares and other polluted public places, to avoid avoiding groundwater and particularly complex geological structure.

8, multi-story parking garage locations and parking lot are basically the same. Only its geological conditions and basic engineering must meet the multi-story building design requirements.


Encourage social capital to invest in building parking lots to solve parking problems

Anhui Provincial Hospital was admitted to Hefei City, parking difficult areas, whenever the peak hours to work, a lot of vehicles, no place to stop.

In May this year, the hospital's new intelligent parking floor officially put on, parking problems have been effectively alleviated. Reporters recently in the provincial hospital to see, parking inside a row of vehicles stacked layers, parking spaces like the same as the rotation of the Ferris wheel, less than 1 minute to complete the car.

"The original can only accommodate 20 vehicles in the region, transformed into parking systems after the parking spaces increased to 120. Space utilization increased by 6 times." The person in charge of the scene, this set of the Internet, handling robots, parking systems as one of the wisdom Parking mode, to maximize the increase in the number of parking spaces, effectively improve the parking turnover efficiency.

"To solve the parking is difficult, the key to increase parking spaces, to encourage social capital investment in the construction of a parking lot, especially the efficient operation of the intelligent parking lot." Some people think that the current parking lot construction. Still, face management system barriers. Construction Committee, traffic police, urban management and other long supervision, examination and approval of cumbersome, investment to build a parking lot, involving more than a dozen departments, to cover a lot of chapters, very troublesome.

Haikou intelligent parking systems parking for one minute

Reporters arrived at the Haikou Guoxing Avenue Shengda square, practical experience and convenience of automatic parking building. First of all, the vehicle passes through the entrance and exit of the building, and the entrance and exit are the automatic identification system of the license plate, then the right turn comes to the garage. Choose a garage with the green light, the front towards the door, then the arrival of induction and automatically open car, the reporter ordered the car drove slowly into the storage spaces. Out of the door to inform the security guards on duty, the smart card is put in a brush screen, when the garage door closed, and flashing yellow light, the garage automatic lifting frame will traverse the car to find parking spaces and parking platform, the whole process takes about 1 minutes to complete. At the top of each garage entrance, there is a LED display which updates the parking information of the parking lot continuously.

When reporters are ready to drive away, the security card with a smart card in front of the garage door to operate the screen brush, the system will automatically exist in the garage of the car transported to the ground, the whole process is not more than 2 minutes.

It is understood that the parking lot in March 2015 officially put into operation, covering an area of about 700 square meters, parking lot of 13 floors, 3 floors underground, 10 floors on the ground, can accommodate more than 400 vehicles. Parking lot a daily average of 150 vehicles, most of the building workers and to "read and script" people. "Weekends will be less crowded, but there are also 100 vehicles on average." Parking-related responsible person said. A parking space for 300 yuan/months (according to the official standard fees); temporary parking within 10 minutes free; 5 yuan/hours; after each additional hour, plus 1 yuan, not more than 20 yuan within 24 hours.


City Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine parking will be completed after the establishment of the province's record

It is understood that, at present, Changsha city in the province's first rise in the construction of the intelligent parking systems. Urban construction group chief engineer office deputy director Peng Lizhu introduced, a total of 7 parking lot and the selection and construction in 3 for the intelligent automatic parking lot, this is the first time in Liuyang to build the tower parking building.

The Chinese medicine hospital parking lot planning 503 berths (29 meters, 4.5 meters, 11 floors, 1 floors underground), Liuyang will become the highest, most of the parking spaces in the parking lot will hit the intelligent parking systems single capacity of the. The maximum capacity of the hospital put into operation in January last year our parking, 400 berths.

From the point of view of the use of land, the parking area covers only 3722 square meters, and in accordance with the traditional ground parking site allocation, the land should be more than 25000 square meters.

"Through intelligent, three-dimensional construction,(http://www.tadachina.com/) up and down in space." City Construction Group relevant responsible person said.

Yangzhou regulates parking fees for stereoscopic parking

The government will adjust the song clip east south gate two parking lots, Xianhe Temple parking systems and waterscape road parking lot vehicle parking charges, the relevant information to the public, solicit opinions, to scientific decision-making. You can on September 27th to his opinion in the network, written or e-mail submitted to the price department.

Song Tong City East Gate, South Gate parking lot

Adjust to a category; time charge

Song clip city east gate, South Gate parking lot for outdoor parking lot, the area is 4A level scenic spots, motor vehicle parking fees according to the original two area time charges, now to be adjusted according to a class of district charge standard for small cars 2 yuan / day for half an hour, night 2 yuan / hour; large vehicles 3.5 yuan / day for half an hour, night 3.5 yuan / hour.

Xianhe Temple parking systems by the Yangzhou City Urban Construction Asset Management Limited liability company management(http://www.tadachina.com/), the region is a kind of area, the implementation of government pricing, according to a kind of indoor parking lot standard for small cars 1.5 yuan / day for half an hour, 1.5 yuan / night for half an hour; large car 3 yuan / day for half an hour at night, 3 yuan / hour.

Zanhua Lane parking systems by the Yangzhou City Urban Construction Asset Management Limited liability company management, the region is a kind of area, the implementation of government pricing, according to a kind of indoor parking lot standard for small cars 1.5 yuan / day for half an hour, 1.5 yuan / night for half an hour; large car 3 yuan / day for half an hour at night, 3 yuan / hour.


New parking spaces 37082 Wenzhou alleviate "parking difficult" problem

In 2016, the growth rate of passenger cars in Wenzhou was as high as 68 thousand and 500 vehicles, reaching a new high over the years. The total number of vehicles in Wenzhou reached more than 65.5 vehicles, of which 558 thousand were private cars.
Although last year in Wenzhou city has the new vehicle parking more than 5.8 months, the Wenzhou motor vehicle parking area of a total of 327 thousand and 700 parking spaces, but meet the parking rate of only 48.9%, the contradiction between supply and demand is still sharp.

How to ease the parking difficulties? Wenzhou full force, in the parking construction and management policies and regulations and gradually improve the basis, through a new or potential and comprehensively promote the construction of parking facilities, on the other hand, by means of science and technology or resources to strengthen the scientific management of parking spaces, in addition to the old district and other traffic organization is not perfect, the organization to carry out residential parking modification.

From 1 to August this year, a total of 37082 new parking spaces were built-in Wenzhou, including 31884 dedicated parking lots and 5198 public parking spaces. 10 completed old residential districts were upgraded and 890 parking spaces were added.

Vertical circulation type parking systems

Vertical cycle type parking systems (commonly used as PCX) is a kind of intelligent unmanned mechanical parking equipment. The vertical circulation type garage is a parking system with vertical movement, which can complete the vehicle access. It is divided into two types: small cycle and large cycle. The small cycle is usually set up with 8~10 parking spaces, and the large circulation is usually set with 12~34 parking spaces.

Operation principle

Vertical circular parking systems is not a standard set of mechanical and electrical products mechanical and electrical integration, automation, it and the traditional standard motor products, not only with the size and number of parking cars, more important is the parking systems built well with residential style and environment harmony the maximum increase rate of land and space.

Vertical circular garage parking system is in the vertical direction do circular motion, through the speed reducer drives the transmission mechanism in the traction component chain every certain distance of vehicles to install a bracket, when the motor is started, the car bracket along with the chain vertical movement cycle, to achieve the purpose of access to the vehicle.


Changle's first parking systems is planned for next month with a total of 11 floors and 140 parking spaces

Changle has built and expanded the number of public parking lots this year, adding 1000 new public parking berths, including the first parking systems in Changle, namely Zheng Cheng Road parking systems.

Yesterday morning, Zheng Road in the parking lot construction site, responsible for the project said that the parking lot is Changle's first stereo parking lot, a total investment of about 10 million yuan, covers an area of 359.66 square meters, total capacity area of 4473.74 square meters, a total of 11 140 parking spaces, after completion will effectively solve the Changle city hospital parking the problem, to facilitate the masses.

The parking lot of steel and glass curtain wall construction has been completed last month, is now the firewall construction, is expected to the end of the month to start debugging. Next month is expected to put into use.

It is understood that in order to alleviate the parking problem, Changle this year plans to add 1000 public parking lots, as of last month, has been completed according to plan on the eastern side of Nanshan Sports Center parking lot, Xiangjiang Park parking lot 7 parking lot 603 parking space construction. In addition, a number of public parking lots in Changle Youth Activity Center parking lot, Changle normal school, a parking lot on the west side is also stepping up construction.